Recently I changed ISPs. This generally isn’t a big deal. It didn’t cause any difference in speed or connection reliability, however my old ISP had, regardless of me not ordering one, given me a static IP address. I’d taken advantage of this and assigned the IP to a DNS record to give me easy to remember access to my files when I’m away from home. Anyway when I changed ISPs I discovered my new one changed my IP address every few days, which is an unfortunate thing to discover when you’re not at home.
I took a look at my router and found it only supported DynDns, which I then found out that, apart from to some DLink users, didn’t provide provide a free version of their service to the general public, and I don’t have a DLink router.
The next option was a free alternative to DynDns, there were several, and they all required running some kind of linux demon / cron script, which I would then have to alter my existing A record DNS entry to a CNAME to point to the new dynamic DNS record.
Before setting this up I thought I’d look into my existing DNS provider just incase there was any way of updating DNS records on the fly without having to maintain two separate DNS providers. I found that CloudFlare had an API, which I could update records with. The example provided was a Curl example, which made me wonder, surely I could just write a bash script to update the record with via a cron job. I didn’t want to have to install any major scripting language on my minimal Linux distro, excluding any php, perl etc. solution I’d found that worked with CloudFlare.
I checked CloudFlare’s API rate limiting and found it certainly wouldn’t be limiting for what I was trying to do (it’s approximately 1200 requests every 5 mins if you’re wondering). I then found MyExternalIP that could provide my external IP address with a rate limit that was easy to deal with of roughly 1/s, after which it was just a case of writing the bash script.
I worked a script out using Curl requests to get the information I needed including the specific id of the DNS record I was trying to update and then used sed to get the information I needed out each requests response. I made it compatible with the CloudFlareAPI call I was making that way any parameter passed to the call could be passed by a command line argument to the script itself.
The resultant script I added to my crontab to run every half hour. Everything worked perfectly so I thought I’d create a gist at github so others could take advantage of this:
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