While creating the new web-server for my employers, to replace a Fedora 10 box which gets no security updates, I needed to compile some software from source, meaning I needed the kernel sources.
Since I couldn’t easily obtain these I needed to install the Kernel provided by the distribution rather than the more recent kernel provided by Linode themselves.
The script doesn’t require the -p flag as on a base linux install disk the /dev directory exists, thus when mounting /dev/xda to /mnt the directory /mnt/dev will already exist, but thanks for looking it over, whomever you may be 🙂
Your script needs to be changed from
mkdir /mnt/dev/pts
mkdir -p /mnt/dev/pts
or else it may complain that directory is not there.
Sorry, did not know how to contact you otherwise. You don’t have to publish my comment. 🙂
The script doesn’t require the -p flag as on a base linux install disk the /dev directory exists, thus when mounting /dev/xda to /mnt the directory /mnt/dev will already exist, but thanks for looking it over, whomever you may be 🙂